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Oh those negative thoughts!

Oh those negative thoughts!

We all have that one voice; the voice of the worst possible scenario, the voice of the mean talker, the voice of the shadow….It gets us all from time to time. What can we do to quiet that voice? Tell it to shut up and move along? Get right with our inner self?

We have all been told think positive, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. And once you’ve drowned in a pint of ice cream or purchased a bunch of stuff on Amazon to make yourself feel better, you realize you really don’t feel better, maybe worse.

Read over some of these techniques I’ve used and see what works for you.


Visualize the opposite of the thought, the way to defeat it or just release it:

If it needs your attention, sit with it, reframe it as a positive outcome and make a plan.

Mark it as spam! As soon as those thoughts worm their way in, mentally mark it as spam and send it to the trash….

Holding space for it – in a balloon or cloud, then you can release it or revisit it if you need to but its put away.

Send it down the river – put it in your sailboat and wave bye bye

Drop an Anchor – ground yourself, settle in and breathe in the opposite of the negative. For example: ‘I’m fat” reframed is “I’m developing a healthier lifestyle by making small changes.”

Write it down – you can revisit it later, tear it up into little pieces, burn it (safely)

Give the voice an image and tell it to go sit over there

Whatever works for you should be your go to. We believe what we tell ourselves. Talk to self as you would your best friend or a lover.

Ask yourself "what might nourish, strengthen or calm me today" every morning.

Review the "best moment of the day" every evening.

Start with some affirmations before your feet hit the floor.

I am beautiful

I am strong and powerful

I am capable

Because you are all of those things!

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